
Join the team!

Kids ‘n’ Us would have collapsed years ago if it were not for the generosity of so many volunteers who make the event possible. From the Planning Committee who commit months of their time to coordinate all the many needs of the conference to the volunteers who spend the day playing with children, these people have freely given of their time to support families and caregivers of children with diabetes.  

Most of these volunteers are experienced family members of those with T1D. Others have no connection to the disease at all, but  recognize the additional stressors on the family and see this conference as a valuable tool to assist in coping with the daily worries, longterm fears, and continuous 24/7 care of a child with a chronic illness.  

Our sincere thanks and appreciation is expressed to all of our volunteers. If you wish to join us as a volunteer, please contact us by email at info@kidsnus.ca