
35 Years of bringing families facing diabetes together

Beginning in 1988, the annual Kids ‘n’ Us Conference originated as a support program offered by the Pediatric Diabetic Education Clinic at the University of Alberta Hospital. In 2004, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) assumed organizational responsibilities as an Outreach program. In 2017, in order to ensure the continuation of the event, the Kids‘n’ Us: Families Facing Diabetes Society was created by concerned parents, diabetes educators, and representatives of major diabetes-related charities.

We are currently planning for next year’s event! Check back soon for dates and details…

Child Care

We provide an entertaining children’s program for ages 3 and older.  If you are interested in taking part, please ensure that you sign the permission section on the lower portion of the conference registration form

If you wish your child(ren) to participate in the planned recreational activities, please be aware of the following information:

-Children will be in groups according to their ages: 3-5, 6-9 and 10-12 years. Your child will participate in age-appropriate activities such as crafts, games, music, stories, and listening to special guests. In the late afternoon, children will choose from several options of family movies.

-As there is the opportunity for your child to participate in crafts and physical play, please dress them in appropriate comfortable clothing and footwear.

-If weather permits, children may go outside to the secured gazebo area – please ensure your child has appropriate outdoor clothing.

-Each activity room will be supervised by a minimum of five volunteers including a health care professional.

-Following registration and prior to 9:00 a.m. and again before 12:45 p.m. parents/caregivers will be expected to help pack and label morning and afternoon snacks for each child.

-All children must be signed in and out of the childcare rooms.

-Childcare is available from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and again from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

-Parents must remain in the Conference Centre while their children are in the childcare rooms.

-Nursing students will be in charge of signing children in/out of care and ensuring that snacks are eaten when and as needed. If medical care is required, parents will be sought to administer to their child.


Teen Programming

Building upon the comments expressed on evaluation forms, Kids ‘n’ Us is happy to offer a full day of sessions and programming specific to teens with T1D and their peers and teen family members.

In the past, topics have included test anxiety and high blood sugar, what/when to tell girlfriends/boyfriends, driving with diabetes, drinking dangers of diabetes, diabulemia (the practice of purposely driving blood sugars high in an attempt to lose weight), pregnancy complications, implications of living alone, exercising and T1D, choices in medical care available to adults with T1D, and any other subject of interest to participants. Young adults with T1D facilitate these sessions and openly share their experiences, both challenges and triumphs. Discussion is strongly encouraged with teens invited to bring their concerns and questions to the group.

All comments made during these teen sessions are kept confidential. However, if an issue is discussed that could be dangerous to the participant, they will be counselled to speak to their doctor, family, or other trusted professional to obtain any necessary assistance.

Vendors, Exhibits and Sponsors

Kids ‘n’ Us is very proud to feature a trade show of the major vendors for diabetes treatment and support services. Come view the latest new innovations in treatment, learn about new options on the horizon, and get answers to your questions regarding correct usage and benefits.

The following vendors may be in attendance:

Alberta Diabetes Foundation (ADF)
Diabetes Research Foundation Canada (DRIFCan)
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF Edmonton)
Doing Diabetes Different
Tandem Diabetes Care

And many more